Software Package for the Adjustment of geodetic Networks and Deformation Analysis

PANDA – a state-of-the-art Software Package to design, optimize, adjust and assess 1D-, 2D- and 3D-networks from all areas of ordnance and engineering surveying. A further speciality is the analysis of deformations, based on congruency tests.
The Software Package PANDA has a modular structure and covers the entire process from data preprocessing up to the final results.
The core is a graphic User Interface. PANDA stores data in a relational database (MS-Access). The Access to the data is realized through an ODBC-interface.
The current version 5.21 PANDA is executable from WINDOWS 7.
PANDA is protected against unauthorized copying by a HASP-Dongle.
Data processing includes all processing steps starting from the transfer of raw data, correction and reduction of terrestrial observations, internal control of all input data and automatic calculation of approximate coordinates.
Observations to be processed are leveling and total station measurements, but also GNSS raw data and laser tracking measurements as well as gyro azimuths.
PANDA allows the adjustment of 1D, 2D and 3D networks by the established least squares method. (See also Standard textbook by Professor Dr. Wolfgang Niemeier, “Ausgleichungsrechnung – Statistische Auswertemethoden”, 2nd edition 2008, De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin) Since th adjustment is carried out using strict formulas, small local networks can be processed as well as large-scale tasks can be realized. The results can be displayed in different coordinate or mapping systems.
Result of the adjustment is an assessment of the accuracy of the determined coordinates for the network stations as well as an evaluation of the reliability of the observations and the geodetic network. A network simulation – to be made beforehand for each task – allows an assessment of the expected network quality and an optimization.
RINEX/GNSS raw data
BURG GmbH has licensed and integrated the software WA2 (WaSoft, Professor Lambert Wanninger). So it is also possible to calculate baselines from RINEX files. Within PANDA the GNSS results can be strictly combined with the results of the other sensors.
Adjustment for cadastral tasks
Also in the field of modern cadastre (realty) areal adjustments are increasingly required. A special version of PANDA with an add-on of specific cadastral measurement elements has been fully integrated into the evaluation-system KIVID of the company BURG, Software & Service für die Vermessung GmbH, Eltville am Rhein and the evaluation-system KAVDI of the company GOS GmbH, Ennigerloh. For this cadastre-solution a combination with GPS information (SAPOS) is solved strictly, too.
Lasertracker Data
The latest extension of the adjustment module is processing of Lasertracker data and the possibility to combine these data with all other types of terrestrial observations.
Deformation Analysis
To confirm the stability or to detect displacements a geodetic network is repeatedly measured and subsequently analysed. PANDA provides statistically proven statements about the apparent deformations, using the concept of congruency tests. The analysis considers the complete covariance matrix of the included epochs.
In many projects, different coordinate systems are used. To present the geometry information in a homogeneous coordinate system, a variety of transformation approaches is necessary. Here also two-and three-dimensional data sets are combined and changes in the reference system are executed.